My memory of this dream is kind of foggy in terms of the order of events but basically part of the dream I remember is it beginning with my friend talking about how he was stuck in a dream indefinitely as a punishment from god and how difficult it was. In the dream, it ends up happening to me too. I'm stuck in this church I can't leave, almost as if I'm a ghost bound there. I remember one part where while I was stuck in the church alone I heard the cries of a baby but when I approached where the screaming was coming from there was no infant to be found. Just an empty little bed where it would've been. I also remember another part where everyone in my daily life was out to get me. They kept accusing me of things I didn't do and when I tried to reason with them and explain my side they just got more angry and kept accusing me without acknowledging a thing I said. Almost like they were NPC's programmed to take me down. A good example of this (at least one specific part I remember) is where a girl was accusing me of stealing a bottle of I think soda or whiskey (I don't remember) and when she was asking me if I did it or not she was talking to her mom on the phone trying to find it. I did find it in my room but when she asked me if I was the one who specifically took it I said "no" while laughing and she said to her mom on the phone, "yeah he's the one, he stole it". and then I got really angry and screamed at her pleading that I didn't steal it. At that point she decided to tell me that I am now getting kicked out of the dorm (where this took place). There's other parts to the dream as well but those were the main parts I remember.
This dream seems to reflect feelings of being trapped, misunderstood, and unfairly accused. The theme of being stuck in a church suggests a sense of being bound or restricted in some aspect of your life. The cries of the baby that you couldn't find may symbolize unresolved emotions or a need for nurturing and care. Meanwhile, the part where everyone in your daily life is accusing you without listening to your side indicates a feeling of isolation and being powerless to defend yourself against false accusations. The recurring theme of theft in the dream might suggest a fear of being wrongly judged or having something important taken away from you. Overall, this dream may be a manifestation of anxieties about feeling trapped or misrepresented in certain situations in your waking life. It could be helpful to explore these feelings further and address any underlying issues that may be surfacing in your subconscious mind.